Adding a Flagstone Walk

April 17, 2012 by Paris and John  
Filed under Around the House

In yesterday’s post, we told you about our trip to select the flagstones for our new walkway…and today it’s time to see the work it took to reach the finished project! Since we already had a walk of gravel, the first (and probably the biggest) job was to remove the existing gravel. Once that was [...]

Selecting Stone for Our New Walk

April 16, 2012 by Paris and John  
Filed under Around the House

We’ve had a gravel walk in front of our house forever…and have talked about changing it to a flagstone walk, well, forever. The gravel gets into the waffle soles of many shoes and finds its way into our house so it was definitely time for a change. Like many of our DIY projects, though, we [...]